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23/08/2024 Sasolburg (ZA)

Qualifier 7 ZA

23/08/2024 Sasolburg (ZA)


Adres & Tickets

The 7th qualifier in South Africa of 2024, will take place at the Etienne Rouseau Theatre, Sasolburg on the 23rd August 2024. Spectator tickets can be bought at the door.

Info over het podium

Stage measurements: 14.5m wide x 12m deep.

floor is smooth concrete floor covered with a ballet mat.

Info voor mindervaliden

The venue is wheelchair friendly.

Openbaar vervoer & parking

Public transport is via taxi or uber drivers.


Four weeks prior to the competition, there will be a temporary time schedule available on the website.  This temporary time schedule can still change as the inscriptions are still open. The final time schedule will be available one week prior to the competition on the website. The timetable mentions the times the dancers need to be ready to go on stage. You can find on your subscription confirmation in which age division and style you participate.

For solos, duos & trios there is a dressing room available half an hour up front, for groups an hour up front. If you arrive earlier, please wait until the dressing room is free and also leave the dressing room in time for the next dancers.

There are multiple award ceremonies during the day so that the dancers can go home if they are not able to stay the whole day.

-> Bekijk hier het definitieve uurrooster

Verblijf in

Should you come from far, please click here to look for a suitable accomodation.